Sharmila Kaduskar M.A. UKCP Reg.
If you would like support to answer a call from your soul, to begin a work project, or simply change your life, it is possible I could help.
This poem by Mary Oliver draws our attention to the trepidation and inevitability that some feel when answering the call of their soul. That call may be to start therapy, to change jobs or to break old promises that no longer serve us; promises that keep us small. This poem speaks of the responses of others that may try to keep the status quo, and of the wonder and companionship that comes from befriending ourselves, trusting our intuition and starting that journey, however difficult. In the end we cannot save other people from their choices, or the consequences of their actions. All we can do is to find our path and walk it. Sometimes we will be alone but often, when we start, we find others join us.
If you are being called to changes that are frightening or overwhelming or life has changed around you and you find yourself unexpectedly in unfamiliar terrain, perhaps you can take a step. That step may be in, or out - either way you will already be on your path; you will have begun.
All of our beginnings are personal. Some are played out in larger communities such as social groups and places of work. In these arena we may use different language, rather than fear or anxiety we may claim procrastination or overwhelm - the solution is the same; take a step, begin.
If you would like support to answer a call from your soul, to begin a work project, or simply change your life, it is possible I could help. If you feel inclined to do so, take a look at my counselling, psychotherapy or consultancy page and contact me if you think it would be helpful.